Frantoio di Sant'Agata

Passion, tradition and Love of out country and its variety of products. These factors have been motivating us since 1827 at the Sant' Agata d'Oneglia oil mill. Feel free to visit us any time.
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Our oil varieties
Olio extra vergine d'oliva D.O.P. " CRU" - Primo Fiore
“Cru Primo Fiore”, awarded a D.O.P. Ligurian Riviera – Riviera of Flowers certificate, is the pride of the mill. It is made from taggiasca olives picked solely from the “Martine Fascei” terraces belonging to the Mela family, situated at approximately 500 metres above sea level. The olives are particularly tasty as they come from trees growing in the “mountains”. Its production depends on the availability of the olives which are picked slightly before they are completely ripe giving them a fragrant smell, a sweet, fruity taste and a special aroma. This extra virgin olive oil is rich in natural antioxidants, and thanks to the altitude and to its particular treatment, it has an intense and vivacious character with a fragrance and taste that last a long time. It has an acidity level of less than 0,3%.

Olio extra vergine d’oliva “Gran Cru”
The Gran Cru Olio extra vergine d`oliva Taggiasca di Montagna is made from ancient olive trees that have always belonged to our family. They grow about 6000m above sea level. The Taggiasca olives are hand-picked and cold pressed straight away. Their acid content is 0.3%. Limited production means a maximum of 2,000 bottles of 0.5 litres. The excellent fruity, almost almondy more and slightly spicy flavour makes us very proud and we are delighted to be able to present you with such a top-quality oil.

Gran Cru Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The Gran Cru Extra Virgin Olive oil - a desired kind of our oil products.

Olio extra vergine d’oliva Riviera Ligure DOP Riviera dei Fiori
Ottenuto dalla lavorazione a freddo di sole olive taggiasche raccolte per bacchiatura e macinate entro 24 ore dalla raccolta, è un extra vergine che ha superato severi esami e un'attenta prova del panel test: analisi che ne valuta oggettivamente tutte le caratteristiche sensoriali. All'assaggio l'Olio Extra Vergine Riviera Ligure DOP Riviera dei Fiori offre un aroma dolce, fruttato e un saporedelicato e rotondo. Alla vista presenta colore giallo, densità medio alta e aspetto velato. Lavorato a freddo. La sua acidità è inferiore a 0,3%. Primo olio ligure ad essersi classificato 1° al concorso "Ercole Olivario" nella categoria fruttato leggero nell'anno 1996, nel 2001 ha ottenuto anche il certificato "Gran Menzione" al Leone d'Oro dei Mastri Oleari, nel 2007 1° classificato al banco d'assaggio dell'olio per le DOP italiane a Firenze-Consorzio Dop Chianti Classico, nel 2010 partecipando al IV° Concorso Oleario Internazionale "Armonia" per l'olio extra vergine di oliva d'eccellenza è stato ammesso all'Elaioteca Internazionale, nel 2004 Silver Medal L.A. County Fair Olives Oil pf the world extra virgin olive oil competition,nel 2010 Gold Medal Packaging and design Arwards (Class Traditional) L.A. County Fair Olives Oil of the world extra virgin olive oil competition.
100/500 metres above sea level
Method of harvesting
Beating of the fruit from the tree by hand onto a taught net
Light straw colour
Slightly fruity
Delicately fruity, full-bodied, with the sweetness of almonds and pine nuts
less than 0.3%

Olio extra vergine d’oliva ORO Taggiasco – Taggiasco da baciare
This oil is made from hand-sorted Taggiasca olives from our land. The oil contains the full aroma and flavour of the harvested fruit. Freshness and delicacy are hallmarks of this product. Cold pressed without filters, with a low acid content of 0.4 %. Available in the traditional version, Oro Taggiasco, or in the modern packaging, Taggiasco da baciare.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Oro” Monocultivar Taggiasca - New harvest
This kind of oil is obtained from the first cold pressing of Taggiasca only and from olives harvested that they are pressed within 24 hours. Named olio Nuovo because is a new fresh oil and the first oil that the Frantoio produce of the season’s opening. Normally as you know the oil has to fill in a dark bottle sheltered from light, in this case the bottle is transparent and we pack it with the bag. To remind you that the this oil can make some sediment at the bottom of the bottle; it is a result of a genuine product. Available from end of October until end of December. 

Olio extra vergine d’oliva – Buon Frutto
"Buon Frutto" is a cold pressed extra virgin olive oil made different olive cultivars, which are blended for a flavourful bouquet of fruitiness. It is available in naturally cloudy or filtered form, has a particularly high nutritional value and is easy to digest. The oil has a smooth appearance and a pleasantly fruity flavour.
Slightly fruity
less than 0.3%
200 to 500 metres above sea level
Method of harvesting
Beating of the fruit from the tree by hand onto a taught net
Light golden with a green shimmer
Very fruity, full-bodied, with a hint of sweet almonds, pine nuts and artichokes

Olio extra vergine d’oliva – "I Clivi"
"I Clivi" extra virgin olive oil comes from the cold pressing of a careful selection of different olive varieties, all of which are of high quality and cultivated in different ways. This particular blend combines the typical sweetness and the excellent characteristics of different olive cultivars. Its intense and vivacious character communicates its strong flavour and fruity aroma … more that come from its traditional processing. It has an acidity level of less than 0.4%.
Slightly fruity
200 to 500 metres above sea level
Method of harvesting
Beating of the fruit from the tree by hand onto a taught net
Light golden with a green shimmer
Markedly fruity, round, full-bodied with a hint of green almonds and thistle
less than 0.5%

Artisanal Ceramic
Our extra virgin olive oil also in handcrafted ceramic bottles. Tasty and beautiful. A nice idea for a present!

Olio extra vergine d’oliva – Olio Chef
An excellent extra virgin olive oil for cooking. 100 % Italian cold pressed olive oil. Fantastic quality for this price! Acidity 0.4%.

Olive Oil
Our Olive Oil is ideal for use in cooking. It can be heated to a high temperature without smelling unpleasant or burning. It contains 30% of our extra virgin olive oil and not the usual proportion of only 5%. Very rich and practical for deep frying and also very tasty for flash frying in the pan.

Gli oli extra vergini aromatizzati al naturale
Natural extra virgin olive oils are combined with natural additives during pressing. The result is an extra virgin olive oil with lemon, orange, basil, chilli pepper and also ginger. For truffle oil, an infusion with truffle concentrate is required. A dream with raw fish, meat, salads, etc. An unusual flavour – created naturally.

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The WineHunter Award

The WineHunter Award 2019

LA Award 2019

Frantoio LA Award 2019

Ercole Olivario 2018

Ercole Olivario Award 2018

Tribute Olio Officina 2018

Tribute Olio Officina 2018

Olive Taggiasche

Get in touch with us

Frantoio di Sant'Agata d'Oneglia S.R.L.

48, V. Dei Francesi
18100 IMPERIA (IM) / Italy

Tel.: +39 0183293 472
Fax: +39 0183710 963

Send us an E-Mail

2023 Frantoio di Sant'Agata d'Oneglia S.R.L., IT00929740082